Here how the Law of Attraction worked for me!

Sundaraman Iyer
2 min readSep 26, 2020


Feel it when visualizing and accept is it already yours!

It all started in the year 2019 May, I was in the final year and recently started writing my daily goals (roughly around January). After the completion of my 4th Semester exams, I was waiting for the results, and I was waiting I suddenly snapped in my mind final year is going to completely different, I need to start doing more, something extra other which would ensure that I would get a job in campus placements. So I started writing a sentence ”Got the Job at TCS Hyderbad Adibalta in 2019 September”. And remember, this is the month of May 2019, the college was not even started and I was putting in more effort than ever. Because I knew in order for me to compete and get a job I need to start doing more.

Sundaraman Iyer dairy with writing goals for TCS

As you can see, I started writing, goals every day and I continued it every single day

Sundaraman Iyer dairy writing goals for TCS

I continued for weeks and months. It was for almost 5 to 6 months I did the same i.e till the month of October 2019.

After that something intrigued me at my gut, as became frustrated for not getting my results. As you can see above I used to visualize every morning about the same process again and again and again, until it became it sank into me and I believed completely. I learned it the hard way that, yes, it is necessary to visualize and letting go is important, too. If you are holding it with you, you are crippling what you want by your own thoughts of worries. Just Let go and let the universe take care of it.

Ultimately, on the 23rd of September 2020, I finally received a mail from TCS regarding my joining at my desired location and in the exact month as I had written.

“ Law of attraction is affirming yourself with concise of clear positive words, with a clear picture in mind and an emotion: the feeling associated with it.”

Combined with all three in the correct order, I am sure you also can benefit from it and achieve whatever results you want in your life.

Until next time, I am Sundaraman Iyer, your own Law of Attraction writer!



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